Category: Science
Learn Like an Egyptian
Science has given humanity many gifts over the centuries. Denying that fundamental truth is like cutting out a piece of our souls and banishing it to oblivion to suffer a tragic death, yet many continue to criticize it. I like to say that science isn’t what you know—it’s what you don’t. To put a finer…
Bad Ideas for Bad Times
We live in a world where problems are plentiful, solutions few, and agreed-upon actions virtually non-existent. Our society has not always been this way. Our nation has shared many triumphs over the years since its founding and few of us would disagree. Big solutions for big problems require unity. Some problems have good ideas and…
Dr. Jehovah in the House
Whenever science and religion clash, we expect the internet to explode into bouts of fiery anger and vitriolic name-calling. While these reactions are not unexpected, they are counterproductive in that they press the debate until it is not a debate at all. Ire and finger-pointing accomplish nothing but collectively raising our blood pressure. I…
Changing the Discussion
Lost somewhere amidst the swirling torrent of news surrounding the current COVID-19 madness lies another disaster, lurking just beneath the surface as our society grapples with a major crisis. If you are familiar with the way the news industry operates, it is easy to see why one issue is ignored in favor of covering the…